The DEAD STONE is out!

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THE DEAD STONE is out. Whooee! After BODY PARTS, homicide counselor Tally Whyte is pretty burned out. She travels from Boston to her former home town in Maine, where she helps an injured dog she finds along the road. Why Maine? Because I adored Ellsworth, Maine, when I lived there for six years. It's a crazy, funky, fascinating, and, to some, strange town.

I'm excited to be republishing my four Tally Whyte mystery-thrillers. Those who counsel the families of homicide victims deal with a whole other layer in addition to grief counseling. My pal Donna performed that work with expertise and care, and she lasted about two years before she bowed out. Donna was (and is) the basis for Tally, a woman oddly similar to Clea, my empath and Mage in Chest of Bone. Similar, yet different. At their core, they share the same values and moral compass. And dogs. They both love dogs with a passion. Clea has Gracie, a basset, and Tally has Penny, a three-legged former Canine Corps dog.

Sorry for the meander. I'm incredibly excited about The Dead Stone's re-release. I hope you'll give it a try. Note: you don't have to have read Body Parts, the first in the series, to read The Dead Stone. But it will enrich your reading pleasure if you have.

I'm curious... What are your favorite fictional critters?

P.S. - You can read more about The Dead Stone here.